Saturday, 22 September 2012

Glossary Of Small Business Terms part 16

EFTPS See Electronic Federal Tax Payment System.

ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE Transmission of information between computers using highly standardized electronic versions of common business documents.

ELECTRONIC FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT SYSTEM (EFTPS) Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, provides an electronic system for paying federal taxes. The IRS replaced the current system of processing taxes in compliance with North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) mandates, and now expedite the availability of funds and investment decision making information to the U.S. Treasury while providing flexible payment options to the business taxpayer

EMERGING SMALL BUSINESS A small business concern whose size is no greater than 50 percent of the numerical size standard applicable to the Standard Industrial Classification code assigned to a contracting opportunity.

EMPLOYEE Search for SBA Employee Names, phone, etc.

EMPLOYEES The number of employees of a firm is its average number of persons employed for each pay period over the firm's latest 12 months. Any person on the payroll must be included as one employee regardless of hours worked or temporary status. The number of employees of a firm in business under 12 months is based on the average for each pay period it has been in business.

EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION SBA An Equal Opportunity Employer

ENTERPRISE Aggregation of all establishments owned by a parent company. An enterprise can consist of a single, independent establishment or it can include subsidiaries or other branch establishments under the same ownership and control.

ENTREPRENEUR One who assumes the financial risk of the initiation, operation and management of a given business or undertaking.

EPA Environmental Protection Agency with laws and regulations as a major tool in protecting the environment. Find out about:

EQUITY An accounting term used to describe the net investment of owners or stockholders in a business. Under the accounting equation, equity also represents the result of assets less liabilities.

EQUITY FINANCING The provision of funds for capital or operating expenses in exchange for capital stock, stock purchase warrants and options in the business financed, without any guaranteed return, but with the opportunity to share in the

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