and already established.
Selecting More... will take you to the SBIC (Office of Investment) home page.
SBIC Locations Selecting More... will take you to SBIC
locations by State.
SBIR Small Business Innovative Research See Small Business
Innovation Research
SBIR CONTRACT Small Business Innovative Research Contract
A type of contract designed to foster technological innovation by small
businesses with 500 or fewer employees. The SBIR contract program provides for
a three-phased approach to research and development projects: technological
feasibility and concept development; the primary research effort; and the
conversion of the technology to a commercial application.
SCORE SCORE is a 10,500-member volunteer association sponsored
by the SBA.
SCORE matches volunteer business-management
counselors with present prospective small business owners in need of expert
advice. The SCORE home page is located at
SCORE Locations See SCORE. Selecting More... will take you to
SCORE locations listed by State.
SDB Small Disadvantaged Business See Small
Disadvantaged Business. SDB Program While the 8(a) Business Development Program
(above) offers a broad scope of assistance to socially and economically
disadvantaged firms, SDB certification strictly pertains to benefits in federal
procurement. 8(a) firms automatically qualify for SDB certification. SBA
certifies SDBs to make them eligible for special bidding benefits.
Evaluation credits
available to prime contractors boost subcontracting opportunities for SDBs.
SECONDARY MARKET Entities who purchase an interest in a loan
from an original lender, such as banks, institutional investors, insurance
companies, credit unions and pension funds. There is an active secondary market
in the loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. This market was
created to increase the attractiveness of small business lending to the lending
community. Through the market, lenders are able to sell the guaranteed portion
of SBA guaranteed loans to investors and thereby improve their liquidity and
increase their yield on the unguaranteed portion of SBA loans. In addition, the
secondary market provides a hedge against future liquidity problems because the
guaranteed portion of an SBA guaranteed portfolio may be readily sold by the
lender. The market also allows a lender to meet the credit needs of a local
small business community by importing capital from other parts of the country.
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