Saturday, 22 September 2012

Glossary Of Small Business Terms part 2

8(a) Business Development Program An SBA program for small firms owned by socially and economically disadvantaged persons. Firms admitted to the program can receive Federal contracts designated for 8(a) Program participants, as well as management and technical assistance.

ACCOUNTING The recording, classifying, summarizing and interpreting in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events of a financial character.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Trade accounts of businesses representing obligations to pay for goods and services received

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Trade accounts of businesses representing moneys due for goods sold or services rendered evidenced by notes, statements, invoices or other written evidence of a present obligation.

ACID RATIO Current assets less inventories divided by current liabilities. Also known as "Quick Ratio."

ACQUISITION The acquiring of supplies or services by the federal government with appropriated funds through purchase or lease.

ACT Small Business Act Also see

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives federal civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications.

ADVOCACY - is an SBA office created to be the voice for small business in the federal government and the source for small business statistics.

ADVOCACY Research and Statistics Research on small business economics and trends is conducted by SBA's Office of Advocacy. Economic statistics may be found by choosing "More..."

AFFILIATES Business concerns, organizations, or individuals that control each other or that are controlled by a third party. Control may include shared management or ownership; common use of facilities, equipment, and employees; or family interest. The calculation of a firm's size includes the employees or receipts of all affiliates. Affiliation with another business concern is based on the power to control, whether exercised or not. Such factors as common ownership, common management and identity of interest (often found in members of the same family), among others, are indicators of affiliation.

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