Sunday, 23 September 2012

Glossary Of Small Business Terms part 43

procurement and the Internet, as well addressing specialized topics such as home-based businesses, corporate executive downsizing and welfare-to-work. All provide individual business counseling and access to the SBA’s programs and services; a number are also intermediaries for the SBA’s MicroLoan and Loan Prequalification programs. Each WBC tailors its programs to the needs of its constituency; many offer programs and counseling in two or more languages. The following is contact information and a brief description of each WBC. Choosing More... will take you to a complete listing.

WBOR Women's Business Ownership Representatives Representatives in SBA offices to assist women business owners.

WEB STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES SBA has extensive standards and guidelines for publishing on the SBA internet sites. Choosing More... will take you to this policy.

WNET Women's Network for Entrepreneurial Training Women's Network for Entrepreneurial Training, is a program of the SBA's Office of Women's Business Ownership. WNET matches successful entrepreneurial women (mentors) with women business owners whose companies are ready to grow (protégées

WORKERS' COMPENSATION A state-mandated form of insurance covering workers injured in job-related accidents. In some states the state is the insurer; in other states insurance must be acquired from commercial insurance firms. Insurance rates are based on a number of factors including salaries, firm history and risk of occupation.

WORKING CAPITAL Cash and short-term assets that can be used for current needs - bills, etc.

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UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE Codification of uniform laws concerning commercial transactions. In SBA parlance generally refers to a uniform method of recording and enforcing a security interest or charge upon existing or to be acquired personal property.

USURY Interest which exceeds the legal rate charged to a borrower for the use of money.

VARIABLE COSTS Those costs of doing business such as cost of goods, shipping, handling and storage, sales commissions, etc., which are directly related to the sales of goods or services.

VENDOR IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM (VIP) The Vendor Identification Program (VIP) assists small businesses by identifying government purchasers for the items they produce for large defense contractors. The program helps SBA to increase competition by adding qualified sources to bidder lists and creating prime contracting opportunities for small businesses. Through the Vendor Identification Program, SBA matches the past procurement history and acquisition needs of the government and identifies the actual manufacturer of systems, subsystems, components, and spare parts. This expedites the procurement process and facilitates the participation of small businesses as prime contractors.

VENTURE CAPITAL Money used to support new or unusual commercial undertakings; equity, risk or speculative capital. This funding is provided to new or existing firms that exhibit above-average growth rates, a significant potential for market expansion and the need for additional financing for business maintenance or expansion.

VSB Very Small Business Program The Very Small Business (VSB) program is an extension of the small business set-aside program, administered by SBA as a pilot to increase opportunities for VSB concerns. Procurement requirements, including construction requirements, estimated to be between $2,500 and $50,000 must be reserved for eligible VSB concerns in designated pilot SBA districts.

WAIVER OF THE NONMANUFACTURER RULE Section 303 (h) of Public Law 100-656 and Section 210 of Public Law 101-574 incorporated into the Small Business Act requires that agency contracts be directed solely to small business manufacturers under set-aside provisions. This requirement is commonly referred to as the Non-manufacturer Rule. The Small Business Act also contains provisions that allow the Administrator of the SBA to waive this requirement when there are no small business manufacturers or processors available to supply the product to the Federal Government.

WBC Women's Business Centers or Women's Business Center Each women’s business center provides assistance and/or training in finance, management, marketing,

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specific tax rules and guidelines. Choosing "More..." will take you to this site. T-BILLS Treasury Bills Short term obligations of the U.S. government.

TECH-NET Tech-Net is an electronic gateway of technology information and resources for and about small high tech businesses. It is a search engine for researchers, scientists, state, federal and local government officials, a marketing tool for small firms and a potential "link" to investment opportunities for investors and other sources of capital.

TRADE NAME The term used to identify a company. Any type of business may call itself a company.

TRADEMARK Words, names, symbols or devises, or any combination of these, used to identify the goods of a business and to distinguish these goods from the goods of others.

TRANSACTION BALANCES Cash held to cover day-to-day transactions.

TREASURY BILLS T-Bills Short term obligations of the U.S. government.

TRUE LEASE A type of transaction that qualifies as a lease under the Internal Revenue Code. It allows the lessor to claim ownership and the lessee to claim rental payments as tax deductions.

TURNOVER Turnover is the number of times that an average inventory of goods is sold during a fiscal year or some designated period. Care must be taken to ensure that the average inventory and net sales are both reduced to the same denominator; that is, divide inventory at cost into sales at cost into sales at cost or divide inventory at selling price into sales at selling price. The turnover when accurately computed, is one measure of the efficiency of a business.

U.S. EXPORT ASSISTANCE CENTERS (USEACS) USEACs offer a full range of federal export programs and services from a number of federal agencies under one roof. Find your closest USEAC at SBA's International Trade website.

UNDELIVERED ORDERS The amount of orders for goods and services outstanding for which, the liability has not yet accrued. For practical purposes represents obligations incurred for which goods have not been delivered or services not performed.

UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE Action by either the employer or the union which violates the provisions of Executive Order 11491 as amended.

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least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and whose management and daily business is controlled by one or more such individuals.

SOLVENCY The financial ability to continue business.

SOPs Standard Operating Procedures.

SPECULATIVE CASH BALANCES Cash necessary to take advantage of special opportunities.

STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) CODE A code representing a category within the Standard Industrial Classification System administered by the Statistical Policy Division of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. The system was established to classify all industries in the US economy. A two-digit code designates each major industry group, which is coupled with a second two-digit code representing subcategories.

STARTUP, or START UP or STARTUP KIT SBA maintains a generic startup kit and in many cases, startup kits for beginning a business in given states.

STTR Small Technology Transfer Program See Small Business Technology Transfer Program.

SUBCONTRACT A contract between a prime contractor and a subcontractor to furnish supplies or services for the performance of a prime contract or subcontract.


SURETY BOND A three-way agreement between a surety company, a contractor and the project owner. If the contractor fails to comply with the contract, the surety assumes responsibility and ensures that the project is completed. By law, prime contractors to the federal government must post surety bonds on federal construction projects valued at $25,000 or more. Many state, county, city and private-sector projects require bonding as well. The SBA can guarantee bid, performance and payment bonds for contracts up to $1.25 million for small businesses that cannot obtain bonds through regular commercial channels. Bonds may be obtained in two ways: prior approval-contractors apply through a surety bonding agent. The guaranty goes to the surety; and preferred Sureties—preferred sureties are authorized by the SBA to issue, monitor and service bonds without prior SBA approval.

TAX or TAXES The contribution required of persons, groups, or businesses within a governmental jurisdiction for the support of governmental programs. Springtime brings a flood of questions about State taxes. We have compiled a list of State sites and their

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locations at

SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH (SBIR) CONTRACT A type of contract designed to foster technological innovation by small businesses with 500 or fewer employees. The SBIR contract program provides for a three-phased approach to research and development projects: technological feasibility and concept development; the primary research effort; and the conversion of the technology to a commercial application.

SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENT ACT It is declared to be the policy of the Congress and the purpose of this Act to improve and stimulate the national economy in general and the small-business segment thereof in particular by establishing a program to stimulate and supplement the flow of private equity capital and long-term loan funds which small business concerns need for the sound financing of their business operations and for their growth, expansion, and modernization, and which are not available in adequate supply: Provided, however, That this policy shall be carried out in such manner as to insure the maximum participation of private financing sources.

SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENT COMPANY (SBIC) SBICs, licensed by the Small Business Administration, are privately owned and managed investment firms. They are participants in a vital partnership between government and the private sector economy.
With their own capital and with funds borrowed at favorable rates through the Federal Government, SBICs provide venture capital to small independent businesses, both new and already established.

SMALL BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAM (STTR) STTR is an important new small business program that expands funding opportunities in the federal innovation research and development arena. Central to the program is expansion of the public/private sector partnership to include the joint venture opportunities for small business and the nation's premier nonprofit research institutions. STTR's most important role is to foster the innovation necessary to meet the nation's scientific and technological challenges in the 21st century.

SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS (SDB) SBA certifies SDBs to make them eligible for special bidding benefits. SDBs are at least 51 percent owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged. This can include a publicly owned business that has at least 51 percent of its stock unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and whose management and daily business is controlled by one or more such individuals.

SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS CONCERN A small business concern that is at least 51 percent owned by one or more individuals who are both socially and economically disadvantaged. This can include a publicly owned business that has at

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SELLING A BUSINESS Selling a business is different than selling any other asset because a business is more than an income-earning asset -it is a life-style as well. Therefore, the decision to sell can be emotional. Personal ambitions should be weighed against economic consequences in reaching a decision.

SERVICE MARK A word, name, symbol or device used to identify and distinguish a business that provides services rather than goods. Like a trademark, it can be registered.

SET-ASIDE CONTRACT A "set-aside" is a Federal contract designated for small business bidding only.

SHAREWARE Free or evaluation copies/links for use in your business.

SHORT TERM Period usually one year or less.

SIGNAGE Effective signage is a critical component of your retail business' success, and can contribute to the success of all businesses. To provide in depth information about signage and your business, we have divided signage information into categories in our Signage web area. After you've studied these pages, we recommend you include proper signage in the financial plans for your business. Effective signage is a key asset you'll need to become successful. Why should I have a sign? is a question often asked by business owners. The answer will vary depending on your business type and format. In a highly impulse oriented business, good signage can be the difference between the success or failure of the business. The profile of your trade area also impacts your signage needs. Good signage can increase a business's opportunity for success.

SIMPLE INTEREST RATE LOAN One which provides the borrower the face value of the loan; the borrower repays the principal plus interest at maturity.

SIZE STANDARDS The term "size standard" describes the numerical definition of a small business. In other words, a business is considered "small" if it meets or is below an established "size standard."

SMALL BUSINESS A business smaller than a given size as measured by its employment, business receipts, or business assets.


SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER (SBDC) The SBDC is a center for the delivery of joint government, academic and private sector services for the benefit of small business and the national welfare. It is committed to the development and productivity of business and the economy in specific geographical regions. (See

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and already established. Selecting More... will take you to the SBIC (Office of Investment) home page.

SBIC Locations Selecting More... will take you to SBIC locations by State.

SBIR Small Business Innovative Research See Small Business Innovation Research

SBIR CONTRACT Small Business Innovative Research Contract A type of contract designed to foster technological innovation by small businesses with 500 or fewer employees. The SBIR contract program provides for a three-phased approach to research and development projects: technological feasibility and concept development; the primary research effort; and the conversion of the technology to a commercial application.

SCORE SCORE is a 10,500-member volunteer association sponsored by the SBA.

SCORE matches volunteer business-management counselors with present prospective small business owners in need of expert advice. The SCORE home page is located at

SCORE Locations See SCORE. Selecting More... will take you to SCORE locations listed by State.

SDB Small Disadvantaged Business See Small Disadvantaged Business. SDB Program While the 8(a) Business Development Program (above) offers a broad scope of assistance to socially and economically disadvantaged firms, SDB certification strictly pertains to benefits in federal procurement. 8(a) firms automatically qualify for SDB certification. SBA certifies SDBs to make them eligible for special bidding benefits.
Evaluation credits available to prime contractors boost subcontracting opportunities for SDBs.

SECONDARY MARKET Entities who purchase an interest in a loan from an original lender, such as banks, institutional investors, insurance companies, credit unions and pension funds. There is an active secondary market in the loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. This market was created to increase the attractiveness of small business lending to the lending community. Through the market, lenders are able to sell the guaranteed portion of SBA guaranteed loans to investors and thereby improve their liquidity and increase their yield on the unguaranteed portion of SBA loans. In addition, the secondary market provides a hedge against future liquidity problems because the guaranteed portion of an SBA guaranteed portfolio may be readily sold by the lender. The market also allows a lender to meet the credit needs of a local small business community by importing capital from other parts of the country.

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evaluated. Negotiations may be conducted with offers. Award is based on a combination of lowest price and technical merit.

RFQ Request for Quotation A request for market information by the government, used for planning purposes.

SBA Small Business Administration An independent agency of the federal government and not to be confused with Small Business Association or variations thereof. The U.S.
Small Business Administration (SBA) was created by Congress in 1953 to help America's entrepreneurs form successful small enterprises. Today, SBA's program offices in every state offer financing, training and advocacy for small firms. These programs are delivered by SBA offices in every state, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. In addition, the SBA works with thousands of lending, educational and training institutions nationwide.

SBA EXPORT EXPRESS SBA Export Express combines the SBA’s small business lending assistance with its technical assistance programs to help small businesses that have traditionally had difficulty in obtaining adequate export financing. The pilot program is available throughout the country and is expected to run through September 30, 2005

SBA LOAN The SBA enables its lending partners to provide financing to small businesses when funding is otherwise unavailable on reasonable terms by guaranteeing major portions of loans made to small businesses.

SBA LOWDOC SBA LowDoc streamlines the making of small business loans. The maximum loan-$150,000. Calls for a response from the SBA within 36 hours of receiving a complete application. Guaranty percent follows 7(a) policy.

SBAExpress The SBAExpress Makes it easier and faster for lenders to provide small business loans of $150,000 or less; allows lenders to use their own forms and processes to approve loans guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration; provides a rapid response from the SBA within 36 hours of receiving your complete application; lets lenders take advantage of electronic loan processing; and helps lenders provide smaller revolving loans.

SBDC Small Business Development Centers See Small Business Development Center.

SBIC Small Business Investment Company Licensed by the Small Business Administration, SBICs are privately owned and managed investment firms. They are participants in a vital partnership between government and the private sector economy. With their own capital and with funds borrowed at favorable rates through the Federal Government, SBICs provide venture capital to small independent businesses, both new

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REGFAIR The Oversight of Regulatory Reform provision of the Act created the National Ombudsman and 10 Regional Fairness Boards to provide small businesses with the opportunity to comment on enforcement activity by federal regulatory agencies. Through
this provision, Congress and the President have provided a way that small businesses can meaningfully participate in the regulatory process by establishing a forum in which to express their views and share their experiences about federal regulatory activity.

REGULATORY FAIRNESS The Oversight of Regulatory Reform provision of the Act created the National Ombudsman and 10 Regional Fairness Boards to provide small businesses with the opportunity to comment on enforcement activity by federal regulatory agencies. Through this provision, Congress and the President have provided a way that small businesses can meaningfully participate in the regulatory process by establishing a forum in which to express their views and share their experiences about federal regulatory activity.

REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ACT (RFA) The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601- 612) requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their regulatory actions on small businesses and other small entities and to minimize any undue disproportionate burden. The chief counsel for advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration is charged with monitoring federal agencies' compliance with the act and with submitting an annual report to Congress.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) A solicitation issued by the government to prospective offerors. An RFP describes what the government requires and how the offerors will be evaluated. Negotiations may be conducted with offers. Award is based on a combination of lowest price and technical merit.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Solicitations for offerings for competitive negotiated procurements when it is impossible to draft an invitation for bids containing adequate detailed description of the required property and services. There are 15 circumstances in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) which permit negotiated procurements.

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) A request for market information by the government, used for planning purposes.

RETURN ON INVESTMENT The amount of profit (return) based on the amount of resources (funds) used to produce it. Also, the ability of a given investment to earn a return for its use.

REVOLVING CREDIT ACCOUNT A formal line of credit offered to larger businesses in exchange for up-front fees and standard interest payments.

RFP Request for Proposal A solicitation issued by the government to prospective offerors. An RFP describes what the government requires and how the offerors will be

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protégé relationships and small business contracting opportunities. One registration is all that is needed to make your business available to both opportunities!

PROTEST A statement in writing by any bidder or offeror on a particular procurement alleging that another bidder or offeror on such procurement is not a small business concern.

PTACs Procurement Technical Assistance Centers The Defense Logistics Agency, on behalf of the Secretary of Defense, administers the DoD  Procurement Technical Assistance (PTA) Cooperative Agreement Program. PTA Centers are a local resource available to provide assistance to business firms in marketing products and services to the Federal, state and local governments.

QUALIFIED EMPLOYEE TRUSTS LOAN PROGRAM The objective of this program is to provide financial assistance to Employee Stock Ownership Plans. The employee trust must be part of a plan sponsored by the employer company and qualified under regulations set by either the Internal Revenue Service Code (as an Employee Stock
Ownership Plan or ESOP) or the Department of Labor (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act or ERISA). Applicants covered by the ERISA regulations must also secure an exemption from the Department of Labor regulations prohibiting certain loan transactions.

QUICK RATIO Current assets less inventories divided by current liabilities. Also called "acid ratio."

RATIO Denotes relationships of items within and between financial statements, e.g., current ratio, quick ratio, inventory turnover ratio and debt/net worth ratios.

RECEIVABLE CONVERSION PERIOD RCP Time between the sale of the final product on credit and cash receipts for the accounts payable.

RECIPROCITYSBA/DOT Certification Reciprocity for Disadvantaged Businesses The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) signed a memorandum of understanding that "reciprocally" streamlines the certification process for current and future 8(a) Business Development, Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB), and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program participants on Tuesday, November 23, 1999. In effect, this process will allow each agency to recognize the program certification of the other without duplicating paperwork. By streamlining certain procedures and requirements, it will reduce the burden on applicants. The agreement creates the start of a uniform application process for small disadvantaged business certification, reinventing the way the government does business with SDBs.

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working in conjuction with a State or local government or Indian tribe; or Indian tribes acting on their own, with proper certification that no other qualified organization exists within their jurisdiction.

PRIME CONTRACT A contract awarded directly by the Federal government.

PRIME RATE Interest rate which is charged business borrowers having the highest credit ratings, for short term borrowing. As published daily in the Wall Street Journal, it is the basis for rates to other lenders.

PROCUREMENT FORECASTS Annual The Small Business Act requires that agencies annually publish a list of their requirements for upcoming fiscal year. These listings may be accessed through individual agency websites or the SBA website.

PRODUCT LIABILITY Type of tort or civil liability that applies to product manufacturers and sellers.

PROFESSIONAL AND TRADE ASSOCIATIONS Non-profit, cooperative and voluntary organizations that are designed to help their members in dealing with problems of mutual interest. In many instances professional and trade associations enter into an agreement with SBA to provide volunteer counseling to the small business community.

PRO-Net SBA’s Procurement Marketing Access Network, or PRO-Net, is a "virtual" onestop procurement shop. The database offers an electronic search engine for contracting officers and serves as a marketing tool for small businesses that register with the system. It contains the profiles of thousands of small firms.

PROPRIETORSHIP The most common legal form of business ownership; about 85 percent of all small businesses are proprietorships. The liability of the owner is unlimited in this form of ownership.

PROTEGE 8(a) The U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Mentor-Protégé program enhances the capability of 8(a) participants to compete more successfully for federal government contracts. The program encourages private-sector relationships and expands SBA’s efforts to identify and respond to the developmental needs of 8(a) clients.

PROTEGE BusinessLINC In previous business-to-business relationship programs, the relationship between the large company and small business was referred to as mentorprotégé programs. The BusinessLINC Protégé Network is a comprehensive on-line data base that provides immediate registration for both protégé opportunities and small business procurement/contracting opportunities through SBA’s PRO-Net system. Protégé registration is hyperlinked to PRO-Net so that your information can efficiently be included in small business profiles scanned by large businesses for both mentor-

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PETTY CASH A small fund maintained for incidental expenses.

PMI Presidential Management Intern Program The PMI Program has been attracting outstanding graduate students to Federal service for the past 19 years. Executive Order 12364 established the program in 1977. According to the Executive Order, the purpose of the Presidential Management Intern Program is to: Attract to the Federal Service outstanding men and women from a variety of academic disciplines who have a clear interest in, and commitment to, a career in the analysis and management of public policy.

POLLUTION CONTROL LOAN PROGRAM Pollution Control Loans are intended to provide loan guarantees to eligible small businesses for the financing of the planning, design, or installation of a pollution control facility. This facility must prevent, reduce, abate, or control any form of pollution, including recycling.

PRECAUTIONARY BALANCES Cash held for emergencies or unexpected outflows of funds. Also known as "contingency fund."

PREFERRED LENDER PROGRAM (PLP) The most active and expert lenders qualify for the SBA's streamlined lending programs. Under these programs, lenders are delegated partial or full authority to approve loans, which results in faster service from SBA. Preferred lenders are chosen from among the SBA's best lenders and enjoy full delegation of lending authority in exchange for a lower rate of guaranty. This lending authority must be renewed at least every two years, and the lender's portfolio is examined by the SBA periodically. Preferred loans account for more than 10 percent of SBA loans.

PREQUAL The Prequalification Pilot Loan Program uses intermediaries to assist prospective borrowers in developing viable loan application packages and securing loans. Once the loan package is assembled, it is submitted to the SBA for expedited consideration; a decision usually is made within three days. If the application is approved, the SBA issues a letter of prequalification stating the SBA's intent to guarantee the loan.

PRESS/PRESS RELEASES SBA issues press releases and Media Alerts of significant happenings or decisions in the small business community. Choosing More... will take you to our Headline News area.

PRIME Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs Act: The U.S. Small Business Administration plans to issue Federal grants awards to qualified organizations under PRIME to provide training and technical assistance to disadvantaged microentrepreneurs. These organizations include: non-profit microenterprise development organizations or programs; intermediaries; other microenterprise development organizations or programs that are accountable to a local community,

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ORDINARY INTEREST Simple interest based on a year of 360 days, contrasting with exact interest having a base year of 365 days.

OSDBU See Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization.

OSHA (OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH ACT) To assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women; by authorizing enforcement of the standards developed under the Act; by assisting and encouraging the States in their efforts to assure safe and healthful working conditions; by providing for research, information, education, and training in the field of occupational safety and health; and for other purposes.

OUTLAYS Net disbursements (cash payments in excess of cash receipts) for administrative expenses and for loans and related costs and expenses (e.g., gross disbursements for loans and expenses minus loan repayments, interest and fee income collected, and reimbursements received for services performed for other agencies).

PARTNERING A mutually beneficial business-to-business relationship based on trust and commitment and that enhances the capabilities of both parties.

PARTNERSHIP A legal relationship existing between two or more persons contractually associated as joint principals in a business.

PATENT A patent secures to an inventor the exclusive right to make, use and sell an invention for 17 years. Inventors should contact the U.S. Department of Commerce Patent Office.

PAY TABLES Government Choose More... for the latest OPM tables.

PAYMENT BOND A type of surety bond wherein the surety company guarantees payment from the contractor to parties who furnish labor, materials, equipment and supplies for a contract.

PCRs Procurement Center Representatives SBA's Procurement Center Representatives (PCRs) (Word 97) or (PDF), located in area offices, review and evaluate the small business programs of federal agencies and assist small businesses in obtaining federal contracts and subcontracts. Choosing More... will take you to a PDF listing. Or you may go to Word 97 listing at

PDF Portable Document Format Many Government agencies now present information in

PERFORMANCE BOND A type of surety bond where the surety company guarantees the contractor will fulfill the contract in accordance with its terms.

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NAICS was developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across North America.

NOT DOMINANT A concern is not dominant in its field of operation when it does not exercise a controlling or major influence on an industry. As part of its review of a size standard, SBA investigates if a concern at or below a particular standard would be dominant in the industry, on a national basis. Thus, a concern at or below the size standard is presumed not to be dominant in its field of operation.

NOTES AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE A secured or unsecured receivable evidenced by a note or open account arising from activities involving liquidation and disposal of loan collateral.

OBLIGATIONS Technically defined as "amount of orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during a given period which will require payments during the same or a future period." Also, another term for debt: money, merchandise or service owed to someone.

Offices of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBUs) offer small business information on procurement opportunities, guidance on procurement procedures, and identification of both prime and subcontracting opportunities.

OFFICES AND SERVICES/SBA SBA has more than 90 offices in the United States to serve your local needs.

OHA Office of Hearings and Appeals The Office of Hearings and Appeals, an independent office of the Small Business Administration (SBA or Agency). It is composed of two offices, the Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA), and the Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts (FOI/PA) Office. The Small Business Administration established the Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) in 1983 to provide an independent, quasijudicial appeal of certain SBA program decisions. OHA succeeded the SBA Size Appeals Board. Over the years, the SBA has expanded OHA's mission.

OMBUDSMAN The National Ombudsman and the Fairness Boards will receive comments about federal compliance and enforcement activities from small businesses, and report these findings to Congress every year. The report will give each agency a kind of "customer satisfaction rating" by evaluating the enforcement activities of regulatory agency personnel and rating the regional and program offices of the regulatory agencies responsiveness to small business.

ORDERING COSTS Administrative costs of placing, tracking, shipping, receiving and paying for an order.